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Become a member company of The Security Group E-business system

What is the e-business system?
The e-business system is a comprehensive e-business solution that allows you to operate your security business in a virtual way: Customer management, billing and invoicing, account aging, electronic alarm system integration, dispatching, job management, scheduling, customer notification and technician tracking. It is the way you can manage many of the vital processes in your business, anywhere, at anytime, securely, without the need for a specialized IT department, servers and large technical support teams.

What is a member company?
There is an opportunity for collaboration between members and the companies they represent. Ever had a job that your client had a location, just a little too far away for you to handle? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could specify and “dispatch” the job to another “member” company, and be able to watch the process on-line, real-time? Being a member company, allows you to participate in the first Security e-business network, similar to the F-T-D network for florists, similar concept, just with 100 years more of technological advancement.

What exactly does the e-business system do for me?
Currently the e-business system is designed to work with and integrate with your existing QuickBooks or QuickBooks Enterprise accounting system, so that no additional data entry is required to get started. Simply download and install the e-business communication server on your accounting computer, and within an hour your data is available on a secure web server, available only to your member login and password. Once your data is there, the beginning of benefits arrive:

1. Advanced customer lookup capabilities.
• The e-business system allows you to lookup customers, contained in your QuickBooks database, by their company names, personal names, addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses. Getting this data out of QuickBooks is difficult and slow. Our system finds customers quickly.

• The e-business system also allows you to use the advanced customer lookup capabilities on electronic alarm system installations. When you have alarm systems, monitored with SAI (Security Associates International), and you have obtained a free login access to your accounts, the e-business system automatically includes those accounts in your customer lookups. How many times have you struggled with trying to find a client in your database, only to have the clients physical locations be different than their billing location?

• Have customers with multiple locations? The e-business system allows you to find customers and their alternate installation location addresses.

2. Customer Aging Information.
• Once a client is found on your e-business system, you can see all of the detailed information, like you were looking at your QuickBooks data file, except, more of it is on one screen at a time… including accounts receivable aging. Collecting money on past due accounts is most easily done when additional work is requested and you know to put those requests on hold until past due accounts are made current.

3. Optional Two-Way Integration with QuickBooks.
• The e-business system comes standard with one-way data constantly being published between your QuickBooks system and your secure e-business system. You can optionally purchase automatic two-way communication with your e-business system and QuickBooks, so that when you update an address, phone number, fax number, contact or email address that it will automatically update your QuickBooks data file.

4. The e-business system is apart of the Security Solutions passport system.
• Log in once – have access to other vital business sites. Currently the e-business system allows for direct passport access from the e-business system into SAI’s Webnet system. When you have alarm accounts that are monitored at SAI – you can see those alarm accounts, and have full access to that information when using the e-business system. We expect to have additional passport partners as time goes on.

5. Dispatching and Job Management.
• The complexities of good job management are hard to convey in a simple paragraph. But specifying (job/dispatch description), assignment (who to assign), time management (is the job a one, two, or three person job?), how much time will it take? and finally client communication (when are you coming? Are you done? When are you coming back?). All of these factors make this job duty the single biggest obstacle to growth of your business. The e-business platform core strength is the entire job specification/description, assignment, time management, job management and customer management process. We have built the e-business system to assist your organization in managing teams and workgroups of technicians, dispatchers, supervisors and administrators.

6. Customer notification.
• You have the ability to provide custom email messages to your client(s) during the progression of a job from its initial stage of accepted and unscheduled, to scheduled, to closed. Customers kept in the loop on their jobs are more satisfied, and will pay faster.

7. Optional Real-Time Employee Tracking.
• When using the optional Interactive Voice Response Server (IVR) system you can get live updates on the dispatching/scheduling monitoring screen of the real-time status of your technicians and jobs.

8. Reminder and Alert Alarms. Manage by exception!
• Each job ticket can have different scheduling rules assigned to it. While a Job may be done anytime today, you may have selected that you wanted the tech there by 1 pm. Or you may have promised a committed time to your client of 9 am. Either way, you can put a window of acceptable arrival time, I.e. within 30 minutes. When a tech is late more than the window time, you will receive an active alarm on your screen alerting you that scheduling/dispatch intervention is required.

9. Flexible Job Tickets.
• You are allowed to have as many or few work tickets per each job. You can have a single work ticket encompass one or many techs’s and may encompass one or many days. Whether you want to issue one work ticket/invoice for a multi-tech, multi-day job or have individual work tickets/invoices for each day or each tech, you have the flexibility to do that.

10. Find and Show Tech’s based on capabilities
• The Dispatching dashboard allows you to see and work with technicians, sales and other staff members of your firm, based on your selected authorization level. Additionally, if you are wanting to find/show technicians that are certified to work on specific brands of equipment, you can do that.

11. Send Scheduled emails to your client
• Need to remind your client(s) to update their access control or camera system on daylight savings time? No problem. You can pre-schedule, pre-designed email messages to your clients remind your clients about special dates, daylight savings time, maintenance renewals, etc.

12. Send General emails to your clients
• Want to send a general announcement to your client base? New Product, New Offering, New Hours, added a specialist to your organization. No Problem. With our General Emailer you can send customized, personalized general emails to your entire client base.

13. Billing Integration with QuickBooks
- If you have alarm systems monitored with SAI and are using the free passport system, you can setup your retail pricing, or individual custom pricing, and billing frequency and have direct integration with QuickBooks.
14. Stats that help you run your business.
• Our standard offering includes real-time statistics of your business, I.e. How many customers do you have, how many locations are served by those clients, jobs waiting to be scheduled, jobs scheduled for today, jobs not closed, and number of emails generated by the system for your benefit.

Price List

Setup and Initial WEBex Training
** Price is $299.00 for the first 100 dealers

499.00 **

Monthly Hosting and Maintenance Costs


Optional Services (pricing per month in addition to your base maintenance costs)

Passport Member ship to SAI WEBnet System
(Must have a dealer number and password from SAI)


Alarm Monitoring/Retail Billing System
Includes access to a private SAI server, access to retail and custom billing options, QuickBooks integration engine and integration reports.


Two-Way QuickBooks integration engine


Employee Tracking System/Voice Response System
This utilizes our main IVR servers on our toll free telephone numbers. You may elect to have your own toll free number for this system at a reduced rate, or you may install an IVR server at your location, at a reduced rate. Contact for more information

5.99 per tech